
Who are the target groups?

  • consortium partners
  • target groups = the underrepresented groups and non- traditional learners in higher education (minorities, refugees, elderly people (50+), disabled, etc.)
  • professionals working at the development and implementation of VPL in higher education. Professionals work as teachers, trainers, guiders, counsellors, curriculum- and human resource-managers, advisors on learning and working (authorities, social partners), assessors and intakers.
  • stakeholders (decision makers at EU on a national, sectoral and local level) that can strengthen the knowledge infrastructure for the purpose of creating a dynamic framework and affordable services for lifelong learning in higher education through facilitating and supporting the usage of the multi-targeted VPL-model.
The outcomes and benefits of the project will be cascaded to these target groups by means of a valorisation strategy, based on concrete and accessible VPL-methodology (web-based and ‘on paper’). They will be supported by a network of professionals linked to this methodology, and empowered by their membership in the learning community.

3 commentaires:

  1. i think that accounting and financial services are going to be an important part in the future..

  2. http://www.glenweppler.com/2012/09/lifelong-learning-requires-lifelong.html

  3. It was good to know that development and implementation in higher education is in progress, I want more details on multi-targeted VPL-model.
