
Sustaining the Project’s Goal

In the long-term, what will sustain the outcome of the project is the quantity of active users from the underrepresented and non-traditional learners that will effectively use the developed VPL-approach to (re)enter HE and enhance personalized, formative or diploma oriented learning opportunities.

This depends on the success of each partner to recruit an active network, as well as the growth of the number of professionals and stakeholders involved. They are involved through self-generating activities within learning communities, and the relationship between the project-outcomes and the policies of the organizations of the stakeholders, universities/higher education institutions, and target group organizations.

Starting a Raising Awareness Campaign valorizes the project’s products and safeguards their sustainability thanks to the stakeholders themselves, and through the learning communities. The campaign builds on to the number of target groups and addresses them by presenting and debating the project’s findings within the partner countries. Focus is on the ‘worlds’ of learning (education & training), working (HRM, voluntary work and social partners), and guidance.

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