
Who are the partners?

INHOLLAND University of Applied Sciences engages in professional education and research. It is committed to maintaining close links with industry and therefore closely monitors changes in the global community. This enables Inholland to develop and offer a wide range of Bachelor and a number of Masters degrees. These primarily focus on developing professional competences which equip students for future employment.

JAMK University of Applied Sciences, located in Jyväskylä, is an internationally oriented and dynamic HE institution with 8000 students and about 800 employees. The Teacher Education College (TEC) of JAMK has its history back to 1962 in qualifying teachers for all professional fields in vocational and higher education.  Furthermore, TEC has a leading role in providing continuing education for qualified vocational teachers in special needs education and in counseling and career guidance. 

National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior Learning (NVR) collects, produces and disseminates information and documentation of existing knowledge on VPL. Furthermore, NVR focuses on developing methods for VPL at a national level in cooperation with national authorities and relevant partners within the educational system and in industries, organisations and third sector. The aim is also to provide an updated knowledge-base for VPL in Denmark.

The University of Northampton is a modern institute providing both undergraduate and post graduate education for approximately ten thousand students spread on two campuses. The university has developed a stand-alone business centre, the Sunley Management Centre and a number of research centres, incl. the Centre for Education and Research (CeSNER) within the School of Education. The School of Education provides initial teacher education, specialist training for teachers in the area of special educational needs, a masters degree program and provision for research students undertaking PhD studies.

CPZ-International is a small, private, not-for-profit research and development organization. Its main activities are to support the development and quality of education, employment services and labour market by implementing research, evaluations and analysis, and by developing new systems of education, assessment and certification. The Centre keeps up to date with the latest developments in science and technology in various fields. It is operating in European as well as in non-European countries.

The West University of Timişoara (Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara) located in Timisoara, Romania. Established in 1962, it is organized into 11 schools that provide a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs. Very much aware of the ever-changing necessities of European culture and research, The West University of Timişoara has become a reliable partner for international university cooperation. The Educational Sciences Department of the School of Sociology and Psychology has a valuable experience in developing and implementing validation of prior learning approaches.

The Institute for Research and Information on Volunteering (iriv)  is a non profit and independent, private institution, with the aim to enrich the public debate and inform of volunteering issues by developing and publishing studies for non profit, public or private organisations and improving knowledge on the voluntary sector among the general public, the medias and any non profit, public or private organisation working or willing to work with the non profit sector.

ECAP Foundation is an adult education and research institution in Switzerland, established 1970 and promoted by the Italian trade union CGI. It aims at providing continuous training and development opportunities for the social and professional integration of immigrants living and working in the country.  ECAP activities focus on the provision of language courses and vocational training, guidance and support in job search, research in the field of training needs and social impact of training, testing and evaluation of new training models and local development projects. 

The National Institute for Lifelong Education (NILE) took its first step in 2008 toward the construction of a creative learning Korea as  a national level organization for Lifelong Education. NILE makes its way towards the advent of lifelong learning and the establishment of a creative, reliable and hopeful society. In general, the major responsibilities of NILE are commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST).

Seoul National University (SNU) continues to set the standard of excellence in teaching, research and public services. It has about 16,000 undergraduate students and about 10,000 graduate students along with about 2,800 full-time faculty members. The mission of Seoul National University is to create a vibrant intellectual community where students and scholars join together in building the future. The graduate program of lifelong education housed in the department of education, college of education is the most competitive program among its kinds in the nation as well as in East Asia.

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